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After proposing limited amendments to IFRS 9, IASB members and staff have conducted approximately 80 meetings with interested parties about those proposals.  These meetings have supplemented the comment letter process to enhance the IASB’s understanding of the views held by various constituent groups and jurisdictions that would be affected by the proposals.  These outreach efforts have included meetings with individuals and groups from the following backgrounds: financial and non-financial preparers, auditors, prudential and securities regulators and users of financial statements.  Some meetings have been conducted jointly with the FASB.  The outreach efforts also included an online survey for users of financial statements to understand whether the proposals would result in improved information. 

The following agenda papers provide more detailed information on the outreach activities on the proposed limited amendments to IFRS 9:

At future joint meetings, the IASB and FASB staff will present more detailed analysis of specific issues.  As these redeliberations progress, the IASB will be able to consider any additional consultations that should be performed before finalising limited amendments to IFRS 9.