The International Accounting Standards Board (Board) held a supplementary meeting on 15 May 2020 to:
The Board tentatively decided to finalise the proposal in the Exposure Draft with the following changes:
13 of 14 Board members agreed with this decision.
The Board decided to begin the balloting process for the amendment to IFRS 16 with the changes listed in (a)–(c) and without re-exposing it. All 14 Board members agreed with this decision.
All 14 Board members confirmed they were satisfied the Board has complied with the applicable due-process requirements to begin the process for balloting the amendment to IFRS 16.
No Board member indicated that he or she intends to dissent from the amendment to IFRS 16.
The Board decided to take no further action in response to feedback about lessor accounting. All 14 Board members agreed with this decision.
Next step
The Board plans to issue the amendment to IFRS 16 on or around 28 May 2020.