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Friday 18 October 2024
Agenda to come

Milan, Italy

Integrated Thinking and Reporting: The Next Chapter


Join us in Milan on 18 October for the 2024 IFRS Foundation Integrated Thinking and Reporting Conference—organised in partnership with the Italian Foundation for Business Reporting (O.I.B.R.), where we will reflect on some of the key experiences over the last decade, including both benefits and challenges.

The Integrated Reporting Framework has been used by companies around the world for over a decade now. It has driven holistic thinking and reporting about how a company creates value over the short, medium and long term.

Through this conference, we will look to the future of integrated thinking and reporting, for example how the Integrated Reporting Framework can help deliver a holistic corporate reporting package for companies also applying IFRS Accounting Standards and IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards. 

The conference will convene European and international companies, investors, regulators and standard-setters to provide insights, thought leadership and best practices in integrated thinking and integrated reporting.


The conference will take place on Friday 18 October 2024 at 9:00 CEST. The event will be held in English and is free to attend.

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Event queries

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The IFRS Foundation and Italian Foundation for Business Reporting (O.I.B.R.) would like to extend a message of sincere appreciation to our sponsors. Without their support, this event would not be possible.

With the support of Fondazione Cariplo:


Fondazione Cariplo is a foundation of banking origin that operates with the sole purpose of pursuing social good and promoting economic development by contributing grants to third-party projects and carrying on initiatives of its own.

The mission of Fondazione Cariplo is therefore to be a resource that helps social and civil organisations to better serve their own community.